Canada and USA

Arriving in Canada was the opposite of arriving in Australia. We had money, but only a restricted time frame due to a set return date. We had to carefully choose our route and the places we wanted to visit, distances often seemed endless even compared to Australia. Obstacles seemed higher, challenges bigger. Sometimes the rewards seemed greater, too. While travelling Australia or NZ we didn’t worry about much, except venemous animals in Australia maybe. In North America we worried about a lot, visa, wheater and temperatures, bears and cougars, car break-ins in the US, where to camp and where to find food we actually like, to only name a few. It sometimes felt like we had arrived in real life or on a whole different level. As if for travelling Oceania, version 2.0 was sufficient, but for travelling North America you’d better upgrade to 10.0 Still, looking back now, we do it almost the same all over again.
