About Us

Welcome! We are Fran (35) and Chris (37), born and bred in Dresden, Germany, and a team since 2003. We left our hometown in 2012 to experience life on the other side of the world. We explored Australia (2012-2014), New Zealand (2014-2015) and Canada (2016-2017) through work (not so much) and travel (a lot). During these years we also toured the US, the South Pacific and Japan, met lots of magnificent people, volunteered in some crazy places. We can only name some: a cozy artist retreat in the middle of the vast forests of inland B.C. Canada, a bed and breakfast beside a beautiful lake close to Queenstown, New Zealand, a vinyard in New Zealand’s Otago wine region, a cattle station in Northwest Outback Australia and a farm machinery auction site in rural Queensland, Australia.

During our time abroad Chris, who originally is a pediatric nurse and nurse care manager specialised in epilepsy, has worked as a kitchen hand, bartender, breakfast chef, housekeeper, babysitter, gardener, dry stone wall builder and shuttle bus driver. He has a passion for music and food (growing food) and cooking, one of his main jobs in our little family, next to doing the driving. Last but not least, Chris is a sailer and canoeist, he is the captain whenever we get in a boat by ourselves, enjoys being out on the water, and has just recently done his skippers license in the Whitsunday Islands area.

Fran, whose professional background is a potpourri of jobs in tourism, journalism, arts and culture, mainly worked for tourism businesses while abroad. Not so different from her job back home, being a product manager for a tour operator that offers hiking, bike and canoe tours all over the world. Not a surprise that she’s passionate about the outdoors, loves multi day hikes, camping and mountaineering. You can also find at contemporary theatre shows and concerts. She loves photography, land art, writing and sewing. She does all the organising and accounting in our family, from creating our travel itineraries to monitoring our budget.

We owned a few homes on wheels during our  travels so far. Get to know Horst, Helga, Primus, Nelson and Eddie under „Homes on Wheels“ and learn why we decided not to have another girl after we had Helga.

Ein Gedanke zu “About Us

  1. What is the link between these crafts? Doctors and thieves they both wear masks…
    Musste bei dem Lied an die alten Zeiten denken
    Back in the days, schöne Höhe nach Bad Aibling, Nachtbaden in der Kiesgrube…
    Sieht nach ner guten Zeit aus, euer Blog 👍
    Schöne Grüße aus München 😎

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